Sunday, September 14th, 2025

Race Waiver
By submitting an application, each participant acknowledges the following:
In consideration for allowing each of the undersigned participants to compete in the 48th Annual, Great Josh Billings RunAground, Sunday, September 14, 2025 (the “RunAground”), each of the undersigned hereby waives any liability that the Josh Billings RunAround, Inc. it’s officers and directors and members of the Josh Billings Committee of HF (the “JB Committee”), any and all sponsoring parties (collectively the “Sponsors”) may have for personal injury, property damage or other damage or claim arising from, or relating to the participation of the undersigned in the RunAground. Each participant (a) acknowledges that he or she has read the enclosed rules and regulations of the RunAground and is aware of the full extent of the event(s) in which he or she is participating and that participation in the RunAground may result in serious physical strain, (b) warrents to each of the Sponsors that, to the best of each participant’s knowledge, he or she is in adequate physical condition to participate, and (c) shall hold each of the Sponsors harmless from any injury, damage or claim arising from, or relating to, participation in the RunAground.
For participants under 18 years of age, this application must be signed by parent or guardian.
The JB Committee reserves the right to cancel the RunAground on the day of the race in the event of inclement weather which, in the sole judgment of the JB Committee, could jeopardize the safety of the participants. Because the expenses involved in the RunAground are incurred prior to the day of the race, if the RunAground should be cancelled, no refund of the entry fee would be made to the participants.

Race Categories
Notice: Addition of the (19.) Collegiate Category caused a shift in category numbers
The youngest team member determines the category, except for ’20 and Under’ where all team members must be 20 or under.
All teams are $65/person until 6/20/24, and then $85/person thereafter. All ironperson categories are $100 until 6/20/24 and $120 thereafter. Collegiate and 20 and Under categories are $50 PER TEAM.