Clinics 2024
All clinics are free
Please email the specific contact below when you plan to attend so we can have a headcount.
Stockbridge Bowl Boat Ramp
- Date TBD
- Time TBD
For beginner riders – we’ll talk about bike racing fundamentals, how to prepare for the race, the basics of riding in a pack, shifting and braking safely. We will ride a 12 mile loop together that covers the last section of the course at an average speed of around 15 MPH.
From the Stockbridge Bowl Boat Ramp – group ride
- Date TBD
- Time TBD
We will ride from the Bowl to the start of the course (10 miles) and then ride the full race route (27 miles). We will stop at the staging area to explain the logistics of the race start, and will stop a few times along the course to regroup. Average speed will be 18MPH.
Stockbridge Bowl Boat Ramp
- Date TBD
- Time TBD
These clinics are meant to help you understand the logistics and pacing of the Josh run leg.
Contact Shiobbean Lemme:
Stockbridge Bowl Boat Ramp
- Date TBD
- Time TBD
Stockbridge Bowl Boat Ramp
- Date TBD
- Time TBD
For beginner riders – we’ll talk about bike racing fundamentals, how to prepare for the race, the basics of riding in a pack, shifting and braking safely. We will ride a 12 mile loop together that covers the last section of the course at an average speed of around 15 MPH.
From the Stockbridge Bowl Boat Ramp – group ride
- Date TBD
- Time TBD
We will ride from the Bowl to the start of the course (10 miles) and then ride the full race route (27 miles). We will stop at the staging area to explain the logistics of the race start, and will stop a few times along the course to regroup. Average speed will be 18MPH.
Stockbridge Bowl Boat Ramp
- Date TBD
- Time TBD
These clinics are meant to help you understand the logistics and pacing of the Josh run leg.
Contact Shiobbean Lemme:
Stockbridge Bowl Boat Ramp
- Date TBD
- Time TBD